11 Questions 27 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mohamed Balbaa
I want to know what is the effect of surface roughness on the accuracy of measurement of RS by XRD. Are there any publicaitons addressing this issue? Also, if it has an effect how to neutralize...
11 November 2018 6,100 5 View
I ran an explicit model in abaqus and I want to create an implicit model with initial conditions of strain, stress and temperature resulting from the first model. How can I perform that? I used...
01 January 2016 9,551 9 View
I want to simulate multi-pass moving heat source using DFLUX. I understand that I should use for loop but couldn't get to work, so is there any example or similar case to it?
11 November 2015 7,731 2 View
I want a source that explains how SPH deals with friction modeling example Coulomb friction. This can be for either Abaqus or LS-Dyna or any other software that explains how they can detect...
04 April 2015 762 2 View
I have a subroutine DFLUX and I want to make the FLUX(1) to move so I must change COORDS (1) so should I make a loop and change time from zero to TIME(2) or what should I do?
03 March 2015 2,463 2 View
I want to model moving heat flux in Abaqus so I understand that I must use subroutine DFLUX. I've already linked the visual studio 2008 with fortran compiler and in the job input file I have under...
02 February 2015 5,904 3 View
I want to find the 3 hugoniot parameters ( C, S, Gamma0) for Inconel 718
01 January 2015 4,940 1 View
Can I apply an implicit step of temp-disp after an explicit temp-disp step in Abaqus? I want to model relaxation after machining where machining is an explicit step while relaxation is an implicit...
01 January 2015 4,263 3 View
The Johnson Cook failure is defined by 5 parameters d1 to d5 that are used to simulate material failure in Finite Element
12 December 2014 2,939 3 View
Is there a solution or work-around for tensile instability in Abaqus?
12 December 2014 9,809 3 View
LS-Dyna has re-normalized SPH formulation. Is there a similar formulation in Abaqus?
12 December 2014 5,487 1 View