8 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mohamed Aly
After we have already published our data, we decided to add a new experimental group using a different intervention /condition and we are planning to do a side by side comparison between the old...
30 October 2020 6,792 33 View
Instead of measuring peak or mean amplitude, I would like to use a peak interval technique to measure the mean amplitude encompassing the largest negative/positive-going peak (e.g., ± 30 ms...
21 February 2020 3,263 0 View
I am using a 24-channel system with 19 active electrodes to record the brain activity during flanker task. I run ICA to remove ocular artifacts. Although ICA can identify 1 or 2 eye-blink...
12 July 2019 8,973 4 View
I've collected EEG data using 24 channels system. Twenty-three channels (19 active EEG, 1 VEOG, 1HEOG, 1 right-earlobe) were referenced by left-earlobe, and one channel used for EOG bipolar (V-EOG...
30 January 2019 2,771 3 View
My experiment includes two groups and two conditions, and I would like to compare between groups and conditions. To do so, I created a study design, uploaded the data sets and could make a...
17 October 2018 7,469 3 View
Hello! Our lab use 24 channel EEG system, and we record EOG from vertical and horizontal EOG (VEOG / HEOG) from the right eye using bipolar and monopolar montages. EEG and EOG signals referenced...
12 August 2018 8,542 4 View
Hello everyone, In my experiment, EEG data will be collected during a modified version of the Stroop task. The trial start with a warning/cue stimulus followed by a target stimulus with two...
16 May 2018 1,355 9 View
Researches prove that practice exercise can increase levels of brain derived neurotropic factor (BDNF) and other growth factors that stimulate neurogenesis, increasing the resistance of the brain...
23 July 2016 5,589 5 View