7 Questions 4 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mohamad Syahrul Nizam Ibrahim
I have three different models for regression. For the two models, I have used age as continuous (no dummy), then for the other model I have used age as a dummy variable. The reason is that I want...
10 August 2022 2,258 1 View
Based on my contingent valuation survey (double-bounded dichotomous choice), I have decided to run the models (e.g. Model 1: WTPa; Model 2: WTPb; Model 3: WTPc, and WTPmax) for only positive...
22 February 2022 6,452 0 View
Someone told me that it is recommended to validate the qualitative questions to make it more reliable prior to the interview session with key informants.
24 August 2021 7,980 4 View
Based on my reading, there are some students who put the theoretical and conceptual framework in the literature review chapter. In my case, is it recommended to put it under the chapter of...
13 August 2021 3,975 8 View
I would like to use some photo from a government website for my questionnaire. But, different photo is from the different owner. So, should I just get permission from that government body or still...
24 February 2021 2,010 3 View
My study will be conducted in Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia. The target respondents are local community and tourists. For the local community, there is no problem. But, I am still...
24 September 2020 1,687 1 View
I am PhD candidate in environmental sociology and currently waiting for the viva voce examination that will be expected in December 2022. I just would like to know, what is a good or minimum...
01 January 1970 6,827 2 View