5 Questions 13 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mohamad Koohi-Moghadam
Hi, I am wondering what is the best experiment (cheap and fast) to screen co-expression of a list of genes in different bacteria strains? Lets say, we have around 100 bacterial strains and for...
11 August 2020 7,717 3 View
As I checked some papers like the following one, the authors consider an amino acid as hot-spot if mutation to the alanine change the DeltaDeltaG > 2 kcal/mol. Protein-Protein...
22 October 2019 6,400 1 View
Dear friends, We have a bunch of small molecules (around 20) and purified protein as potential target. I am wondering what is the fastest and cheapest experiments to find if there is any...
03 October 2018 4,615 27 View
As far as I know, the following webserver can be used to find the CHARMM force field for small molecules for use in GROMACS http://www.swissparam.ch/ I am wondering if there is any standalone...
09 December 2016 932 4 View
Hi all, Is there any computational tools to study interaction between small molecules and metal ions? I want to know if a small molecule can be a metal chelator or not? Actually I want to find a...
02 January 2016 577 4 View