6 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mingda Wang
Dear All, There are two figures attached that show the isobars of atmospheric circulation on TP. For the green one, arrows indicate the wind field in JJA on the ground (1000hPa). For the other...
12 January 2015 2,691 4 View
In this paper, Lonnie mentioned the precipitation regime of Guliya is monsoonal, however, the oxygen isotope of Guliya is obviously different from classic monsoon-dominated areas in East Asian?...
18 October 2014 979 10 View
In paleoclimate research, there always talking about the forcing factors, such as insolation and solar irradiance. However, I could not make it clear the difference between them. I have some...
11 October 2014 1,141 16 View
As we know, both cellulose oxygen isotope and leaf wax hydrogen isotope could record the isotope information of precipitation. However, for cellulose, most case studies focus on peat study. For...
24 September 2014 8,290 2 View
Hi everyone, I read the paper below, the author mentioned there is a wetter condition in western TP from terrace study. It explains about the effects of the Indian Monsoon. However, I am wondering...
18 September 2014 8,541 3 View
Does some one know if there is any record of precipitation isotope in westerlies controlled region? For example, Xinjiang or Central Asia. There are plenty of records of monsoon precipitation...
15 September 2014 5,196 3 View