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Questions related from Michael Heine
First of all there are a lot of statements describing the effect of climate change on agriculture like:...
26 December 2019 8,266 5 View
There are at least about 80 autoimmun diseases known. A very seldom one is "Myasthenia Gravis" affecting 50 to 200 per million people with newly diagnosed in 3 to 30 per million people each year....
20 February 2017 5,515 3 View
Thomas Perez, US-Secretary of Labor, announced a dramatic change of the US educational system in an interview with the "Wirtschaftswoche". The US government will follow the German Modell. What is...
27 January 2016 8,765 12 View
The increasing efforts for insulation of housings often are combined with reduced windows areas to avoid overheating by the sun. This trend does not take in account that the energy of the sun is...
21 January 2016 2,683 11 View
Since beginning of the 19th century the humus content in agricultural soils permanently is decreasing. The extensive use of agricultural areas to produce biomass for gasification seems to...
30 December 2015 9,549 17 View
Such kind of engine is nearly loudless with low emissions and a high torque. Todays technology might offer innovative possibilities to reinvent the classical Watt's steam engine, using modern...
03 December 2015 4,267 9 View
Steel reinforced concrete is the main material to build todays bridges and highways. The maintenance costs of such buildings are very high and they are permanently increasing because of ongoing...
21 January 2015 3,830 5 View
The sun is delivering a large amount of heat. Buildings with large windows are able to collect this. Normally architects avoid overheating of building rooms by the sun. Otherwise there is the...
05 November 2014 2,849 10 View
Today's need for cost efficient design and engineering of structures suffers from the availability of material databases which includes the mechanical properties of metals as well as of other...
01 January 1970 8,705 33 View
Since first publishing the existence of macromolecules based on monomers (Staudinger 1922) there are roughly known some development cycles p.e. 1930-1940 (PE, PA,..) and 1985-1995 (PPS, PEEK, PSU...
01 January 1970 6,424 14 View