6 Questions 7 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Md A Abrar
In silver/silver chloride reference electrode, If electrons flow from the copper wire through the silver wire to the electrode AgCl pellet, they convert the AgCl to Ag atoms and the Cl - ions...
03 July 2015 7,095 17 View
I am working on biosensor using silver nanowires. Does anyone have any idea how to chloridize silver nanowires for reference electrode?
20 May 2015 4,642 2 View
Hi, I am trying to fabricate my own Ag/AgCl reference electrode. How can I measure the potential of it? What is the process people usually do to check the potential and the stability of potential...
20 January 2015 6,999 12 View
Hi, Ag/AgCl reference electrode uses an electrolyte of KCl solution saturated with AgCl. The most often seen reaction in literature is AgCl= Ag++ Cl-. But what are the actual reactions going on...
19 January 2015 4,391 6 View
I have to dip a Ag wire into bleach along with PDMS attached to it as a substrate. The bleach will chloridize the Ag. But how would the reaction be between PDMS and bleach (hypochloride)?
09 January 2015 1,357 1 View
Is it necessary to have the Ag wire dipped into a KCl solution during using it as a reference electrode? Or can I just use the Ag wire having a layer of Chloride on it?
18 December 2014 7,531 8 View