12 Questions 51 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mario Stipčević
Space of possible problems is huge. Only a few can be efficiently solved by Digital computing (DC). We know that a further fistfull of problems can be efficiently solved by Quantum computing (QC)....
30 January 2022 7,020 0 View
We are pretty uncomfortable with quantum non-locality in entanglement. But what about other uncomfortable solutions of quantum mechanics, are we comfortable with them? For example, we know that...
26 January 2019 8,587 5 View
I have read many papers and consult several books but one piece of information cannot be found. Imagine normal human ear is exposed to 1 kHz sine sound that causes normal audible loudness of say...
22 November 2015 4,218 9 View
A distinguishing characteristic of an ensemble of entangled 2-particle states (aka EPR pairs) is that they would collectively violate Bell inequality. But to violate Bell inequality one must test...
28 June 2014 4,627 16 View
I noticed a strange anti-correlation. 1) in times of COVID-19 most experimentalists are either banned from entering their labs or is their experimental work reduced to a couple of hours per week...
01 January 1970 2,971 1 View
It is widely claimed, without any hesitation or disclaimer, that quantum computers (QC) can (or well, will be soon able to) break cryptography by factorizing large numbers. However, to my...
01 January 1970 5,649 3 View
And what exactly are artificial intelligence (AI) and artificial stupidity (AS)? How do they differ from natural ones?
01 January 1970 145 3 View
Is it only me, or others feel too that green technologies, in fact, lead to a dramatic increase in pollution (in general, not only CO2 or other favorite "polutant of the day")? If someone tells...
01 January 1970 9,561 44 View
In Shor's factorization of number N=pq, the first step is to build ~log2(N) independent qubits, each an equal superposition of 0 and 1 states and use them to make a tensor product equivalent of ~N...
01 January 1970 8,765 3 View
Does Randomness exist or is an illusion? Did God have any choice in whether to create/allow Randomness or not? Is there any connection between Free will and Randomness?
01 January 1970 1,409 2 View
Conventional AI makes use of neural networks which are mostly realized in normal microprocessors, such as used in PC computers, that is on von Neumann architecture. It could be said that, in...
01 January 1970 6,291 7 View
Stochastic (aka random-pulse) computer, uses time-wise random pulses, much alike those found in human brain. In the past decade it has been shown that it can be efficiently implemented in...
01 January 1970 7,811 0 View