13 Questions 15 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mario Garrido
Dear users, I am not commonly use boxplot to draw data, neither to inference differences between groups so I am kind of confused. Recently I read that "If the median line of a box plot lies...
08 September 2021 1,123 4 View
Good evening, anybody knows if there is any package to perform an straightforward goodness-of-fit test for an ANOVA in R (Chisq test, preferably)? My anove is in the lm form: lm(DV ~ scale_1 +...
09 June 2021 3,352 3 View
Dear colleagues, I'm working with Path analyses in lavaan and MVN packages. There are some results that for me are confusing and features from the MVN that I do not know how to set. My dataset is...
19 February 2021 431 3 View
Dear Dr.colleagues, I am currently plotting the dynamics of an infection in Excel. For each sampling day, I plotted the mean infection load of the population, using the standard error for the...
08 January 2021 2,392 3 View
Dear colleagues, I am tryng to understand what the option "planned comparisons of LS means" in Statistica is doing? Let's say I have a factorial ANOVA with two categorical explanatory variables:...
07 December 2020 9,489 4 View
Dear RGrians, Im currently exploring on the use of AIC and other I-T indexes criteria for backward, forward and stepwise regression. Usually, when applying IT indexes for Multimodal Inference, we...
18 December 2019 8,193 3 View
Hi, I am trying to get the P-value associated with a glmer model from the binomial family within package lme4 in R. My model is the following: glmer(Infection.status~origin+ (1|donationID),...
23 May 2018 8,550 10 View
Hi, I have infestation of dynamics of two different groups of hosts. Total of 20 points of measurement per individual, 10 individuals per group. I want to compare the dynamics of the 2 groups over...
05 November 2017 800 8 View
Good morning, is there any way to check for multivariate outliers when data is not only composed by continuous variables? My dataset includes categorical variables (with 2 and 3 levels) and...
26 July 2017 3,225 9 View
Good morning, It seems to be assumed that we should "always leave in any lower order terms, significant or not, for any higher order terms in the model. That means you have to leave in all...
23 July 2017 3,562 22 View
Hi, what is the most reliable and easy method to measure the levels or Fe in the red blood (including those inside red cells blood)? I am looking for something less invasive as possible, for...
13 March 2016 3,736 4 View
So, this is the question. I have recorded the behavior of individuals every 30 seconds and I want to compute the bout duration averages dedicated to each type of activity. I have already included...
20 June 2015 9,467 2 View
Dear colleagues, I have a bulk of fitted univariate regressions using lm, for example: What is the best R package to compute effect size in univariate (simple) linear regression? model1
01 January 1970 3,179 0 View