15 Questions 13 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mariem Farhat
Hello, Actually, I know the difference between these topics but I am looking for a good reference (book, article ...) that explain the main difference. Thank you,
02 February 2016 316 3 View
Hello, I sent a manuscript to a journal in springer,I have checked the status in 22/02/2016 and it was 'Decision in Process'. Today the current status is 'With editor'. What could be the meaning...
02 February 2016 4,328 3 View
Hello, What is the MPEG-7? Is it an implementation of visual descriptors? Thank you,
01 January 2016 5,402 0 View
Hello, Is there any research about a quantitative evaluation of the reliability of visual descriptors? Thank you,
01 January 2016 6,745 3 View
Hello, Given two images of the same scene, I need to know the photometric transformations between these two images. These images are taken by cameras embedded on a robot. Thank you,
12 December 2015 9,465 5 View
Hello, I am looking for statistics about scientific articles per topics and per year. Have you any idea about that? Thanks
12 December 2015 2,886 7 View
Hello, I am looking for online conference or workshop on computer science (artificial intelligence). Have you any idea? Thank you,
12 December 2015 7,217 0 View
Hello, I need a reference about reliability estimation in the information fusion. Thank you,
12 December 2015 1,996 0 View
Hello, I need an example (in practice) for how to compute posterior distribution using Markov chain Monte Carlo. thank you
11 November 2015 417 3 View
Hi, Given observations, how can I determine the density functions? Thank you,
11 November 2015 8,370 2 View
Hello, I need a matlab code or a toolbox for bayesian estimation. Thank you
10 October 2015 9,741 0 View
Hello, I have done several experiments. For each one, I have a couple (xi, yi) where xi is the label and yi is a measurement. However for the same input value (xi) I can get different values...
10 October 2015 6,321 16 View
Hello, I need a segmentation method that deals with cluttered scene without prior knowledge and it must be a rapid method. Thank you
09 September 2015 1,622 6 View
Hello, I need a good and complete reference that deals about geometric transformation. Thank you,
08 August 2015 3,782 0 View
I can't understand how authors of the article [Sensor selection by reliability based on possibility measure] estimate the reliability of sensors?
07 July 2015 9,200 0 View