11 Questions 12 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Manav Madan
I want to build a classifier Network which could detect cracks in sampes using deep learning, The Images of a single sample are in a form of a .tiff array where different random prespoectives...
02 February 2019 480 4 View
I would like to implement a classfier using keras libraray, I would be considering Lenet and ZFNet. The question is do I have to resize my Images(as of now they are 400*400) or any resolution...
01 January 2019 9,000 0 View
I have a multiple page tiff file, and I want to edit/crop/remove a part of the image in python, which is always somewhere at the centre, and keep the rest of the image and then I want to select a...
12 December 2018 5,744 3 View
I want to Implement a Image classifier which is able to detect defects from a particular set of smaples and defects are unknown. We have both good and bad samples, but there are no features...
12 December 2018 9,050 6 View
Limitations of image size for differnet networks, for image classification? I want to differenciate between screws and rings and the image size that I have is 400*400. I wanted to know which...
12 December 2018 1,014 2 View
what are the ideal requiremnets for data which should be kept in mind when data is collected/ extracted for Image classification. What are different techniques in machine learning or deep learning...
11 November 2018 9,553 6 View
For performing a image classification task with only avilable (500 samples)unlabelled data, which algortithm should be considered? The number of different classes in an image are unidentifed ?...
11 November 2018 9,706 6 View
I have to build a madel which could classify an image as good or bad at the end. what should be the ideal resolution and pixel size for the task. Do we need to apply image segmentation techniques...
11 November 2018 4,993 3 View
I want to build a capactive level sensor which should have a maximum of 10 watts of power requirement. How should the circuit be ? which principle could be used ?
08 August 2018 1,672 6 View
Which sensing technique or sensor to use for detecting smallest amount of water Inside a tunnel(Humid Environment).With ultra low power consumption up to 12 microwatts. The sensor has to be...
07 July 2018 232 3 View
Hey, How to measure the flow of water in millimeters and for that case, I am looking for a suitable sensor which will be integrated into a Wireless Sensor Network. I have limitations on power...
06 June 2018 9,407 4 View