6 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Manal Alosaimi
Dear all, I found the significant decrease in MD values in in some areas (as you can see in the picture) White Matter in Human Brain after leaning a new tasks, but I am not sure if this real...
12 December 2018 2,621 2 View
I would like to run regression using training scores and DTI parameters for my participants , the problem is that the number of practical sessions and DTI scan are not equal !! What I need to do...
11 November 2018 9,164 6 View
Dear all, I analyzed multiple FA data for my subjects before and after they learning a new task mainly I am looking for FA changing due to the neuroplasticity with TBSS & voxelwise stats and...
11 November 2018 2,514 13 View
hello everyone , I am trying to run FNIRT in FSL to be to to registering T1-structural to MNI152 and then apply the transform matrix to the FA maps but I could not make it ? any suggestions how...
02 February 2018 2,288 0 View
Dears, I am a PhD student and I am trying to track or monitor the brain structural changes after six months training and currently I am using spm and I need help to understand my results kind...
10 October 2017 6,024 4 View
How can I realign DTI images together and with T1 for the same person? I used FSL to coregistration DTI image with T1 but they were not fitting in perfect way! so do you suggest any software or...
04 April 2017 2,419 2 View