9 Questions 15 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Majid Shahbabaei
Dear All, I want to calculate the PMF (Potential men force) in my system. I am doing Non-equilibrium MD simulation of water/ion transport through CNTs. I am wondering about PMF calculation using...
10 October 2016 8,687 2 View
Dear All, I am wondering how does it possible experimentally to obtain a uniform cylindrical pore model in multilayer graphene? Thanks in advance
07 July 2016 1,324 2 View
Dear All, I am about to simulate a flexible monolayer graphene through LAMMPS. To this end, I am going to make use of tersoff potential in conjunction with lennard-Jones potential interaction...
04 April 2016 5,614 3 View
Dear All, I am going to compare the ion/water transport through a single layer graphene with that through a carbon nanotube. I just wondering what the exact thickness of a single layer graphene...
04 April 2016 9,931 8 View
Dear All, Does anyone know what peer reviewed journals in molecular dynamic simulation do answer quickly? My research is about water/ion transport through CNTs utilizing molecular dynamic...
02 February 2016 7,364 2 View
Dear all, I am wondering to know what are the Lennard-Jones interaction parameters between Aluminophosphate (AlPO4) and Water molecules? Thanks in advance Cheers
01 January 2016 7,718 0 View
Dear All, I am wondering why MSD doesn't show a rational behaviour when increasing the pressure? I am simulating water permeation through graphene layers nanopore by varying the pressure. But, MSD...
12 December 2015 3,460 2 View
Dear all, I am simulating water transport through graphene sheets. I would like to analyze the charge effect on water transport properties through graphene sheets. So, I applied some charges on...
11 November 2015 9,797 1 View
Dear All, I am doing non-equilibrium MD simulation to analyze water transport properties through CNT. My model composed of a pool region filled by water molecules and CNT. I have applied an...
10 October 2015 6,545 7 View