12 Questions 27 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mai Dan Nguyen
Dear all, I have been reading about recombination in confetti mouse strain (Brainbow 2.1), but I am not familiar with them, and quite confused how these events happen precisely. Most of the...
14 March 2019 7,235 15 View
Dear all, I am planning to do histology on frozen sections of hard tissues (mouse bones). I treated the samples as following: 4% PFA for 4h, then sucrose gradients (10%, 20%, 30% with 24h each),...
28 November 2018 3,970 1 View
I would like to obtain mitotic figures of chondrocytes, so I am staining cartilage tissue embedded in paraffin with crystal violet. I would be very thankful if anyone kindly shares his protocol or...
28 May 2018 5,026 4 View
I'm now trying to induce osteogenesis of C3H10T1/2 cells, and I'm going to analyze gene expression of the gene Collagen type 1 alpha 2 using qPCR (only SYBR is available in our lab). However, it...
01 June 2016 2,317 3 View
I'm currently using this protocol for 3T3-L1 adipogenic differentiation: - Seeding density: 10,000 cells/well (6-well plate). After cells grow to 100% confluency, they're left for another 48 hours...
07 January 2016 4,031 15 View
I've cultured some C3H10T1/2 cells in 24-well plates for 72 hours. Cells are maintained with Basal Medium Eagle supplemented with 10% FBS, 1% L-Glutamin and 1% Penicillin/Streptomycin. Medium was...
10 September 2015 248 5 View
I'm trying to amplify GAPDH genes using 10T1/2 cells and 3T3-L1 cells, and I have 2 problems with the PCR products: 1. Previously, I diluted the cDNA samples with the ratio 1:20, the bands were...
22 June 2015 7,575 5 View
I'm doing total RNA quality check, and my samples were prepared from adipogenically and osteogenically differentiated 3T3-L1 cells. I followed the Trizol RNA isolation protocol (Life...
19 May 2015 7,177 14 View
I've just read about this concept, but I can't find any exact definitions for it. I'm not working in the field of ecology, so could you please help explain this term in brief? Thank you so much.
07 January 2015 4,899 4 View
siRNA could lead to the degradation of a target mRNA, but I could only understand in the case that this target mRNA synthesized by the host cell itself; thus, how can siRNA act as a natural...
14 November 2014 6,349 5 View
In flow cytometry, what kind of marker is popularly and effectively used to identify neural stem cells isolated from embryonic rat brains? And if I used a neurosphere assay, including the...
20 December 2012 5,512 0 View
I would like to look at the cell cycle (mouse cells) and distinguish G1/S/G2 phases (not need to be exactly, but I just want to know for sure if my cell population undergo mitosis, and they are...
01 January 1970 7,291 7 View