12 Questions 23 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Lukasz Derdowski
What are current recommendations for reporting effect size measures from repeated measures multilevel model? Concerning analytical approach, I have followed procedure by Garson (2020) with matrix...
06 January 2023 5,990 2 View
Cooper, C., Sutherland, V., 1987. Job stress, mental health, and accidents among offshore workers in the oil and gas extraction industries. Journal of Occupational Medicine 29 (2), 119e125.
04 August 2019 5,077 3 View
For instance, there are tools for directly appraising the quality of reviews such as AMSTAR (A Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews). Are there any alike standards when it comes to...
03 June 2019 2,395 5 View
I am conducting a study where the Team Climate Inventory variable represents a second-order construct with four sub-dimensions (i.e. vision, task orientation, participative safety and support for...
29 November 2016 9,343 2 View
Hi everyone, I've just read a brilliant paper by Podsakoff, et al., 2003 on common method biases and I was wondering if you have any further thoughts on this topic. I am particularly interested in...
07 October 2015 3,800 3 View
Firstly, I am not a statistician so I am not even certain whether all of this make any sense. However, I deal with two second-order latent constracts within social psychology field. One of them...
19 August 2015 275 2 View
I am in the middle of designing a study with three/four levels of analysis and I would appreciate if you could give me an advice concerning the sufficient sample size at each given level. Are...
15 April 2015 3,646 6 View
Have you ever tried to apply a multiple levels of analysis in tourism setting? What kind of tips would you give to a novice in this field? I am planning to look at tourism organizations and...
14 March 2015 1,563 3 View
In general, I know that it is always a challenge to operationalize creativity. Moreover, some pose a question as to whether this phenomenon can be captured at all. But I am curious about your...
15 January 2015 3,936 14 View
When developing new social science theories, we tend to rely on causal explanations so as to make sense of the reality around us. One can argue that people are natural-born storytellers and...
01 January 1970 410 6 View
According to Van Raan (2004), "a 'Sleeping Beauty in Science' is a publication that goes unnoticed ('sleeps') for a long time and then, almost suddenly, attracts a lot of attention ('is awakened...
01 January 1970 6,934 7 View
Are there any systematic (method-based) ways of developing RQs in social sciences? Does the submitted RQ need to stay 'static' throughout the whole project? How do we evaluate the quality of...
01 January 1970 9,537 7 View