5 Questions 16 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Lucas Almir Cavalcante Minho
Greetings, I need to calculate the size of crystallites through Scherrer equation based on x-ray diffraction data. However, this is done by the line broadening at half the maximum intensity (FWHM)...
29 April 2022 9,110 7 View
Greetings, I whould like some suggestions regarding exceptional and comprehensive books on the following topics: Molecular symmetry and group theory applied to electronic and vibrational...
01 November 2021 3,410 6 View
Greetings, In these days i'm trying to optimize the geometry of a polynuclear complex using G09 with B3LYP and 6-31++G(d,p) basis set (commands bellow). But at the end of 7th day of computation, i...
08 April 2020 10,266 4 View
Hello, In these days i'm trying to train a deep neural network with a matrix with 14382 variables x 671 cases, from IV spectral data. I'm using R with Keras package (compile and execution commands...
08 April 2020 8,267 7 View
Have any colleague who studied advanced analytical chemistry, recommended another ion equilibria book other than Butler's? If possible, could you leave the link to download the material in pdf?
01 June 2019 6,391 3 View