7 Questions 4 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Louise Kelly
Dear colleagues, I am working on a project on research collaboration and would like to hear your tips for making research collaboration successful - and hopefully fun. What are your top three? We...
06 June 2017 4,829 6 View
What instrument have you used to measure self actualization? I have seen the 12 characteristics of self actualization that Maslow described. Is there any kind of inay runner that tries to...
09 September 2016 3,037 2 View
Folks, I have used Qualtrics panels - not sure if you are familiar with this, Qualtrics have panels and charge a certain amount per survey depending on how scarce the panel respondents are - for...
09 September 2016 456 3 View
Ok, so I clearly see why in experimental design you divide your sample into experimental and control groups. However, my question refers to non-experimental design. So many of my doctoral...
07 July 2016 2,058 7 View
Hi folks, I am trying to get a handle on how you write hypothesis with Path Analysis. Specifically I am using SmartPLS for the data analysis and I am wondering how to formulate the hypothesis...
06 June 2016 2,290 11 View
I am struggling to understand how reliability measures work with Smart PLS path analysis. Some say we do not use cronbach alpha but composite reliability. Can anyone explain the difference. Also...
05 May 2016 230 8 View
In our research on authentic leadership and conflict management we're using a number of constructs such as authentic leadership ALQ, Thomas Kilman conflict mode instrument CPP , and conflict...
01 January 1970 6,290 6 View