7 Questions 5 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Liu Peng
I want to accelerate PVA curing, so I mixed active amine into the PVA. However, the cured PVA became insoluble in water. Can you recommend a curing agent that accelerates PVA curing without...
14 February 2024 9,812 0 View
Mapsim can extract the system equation. I want to develop a tool in Python or MATLAB to automatically derive the system equation for mechanical mechanisms, such as linkage mechanisms. Is there any...
06 November 2023 8,868 4 View
I have been studying DLP/LCD 3D printing elastomers. I have tried using different UV curable materials such as HEA, EA, or polyurethane acrylate (PUA)-IBOA to fabricate UV-curable elastomers. The...
13 December 2022 6,636 2 View
Hi, everyone. How can I to reduce the cracks when a Au film(the thickness is 100 nm and the width is 150 um )is deposited on PDMS with sputter coating. In addition, how to improve the conducity of...
20 November 2021 7,144 4 View
Hi, dear all I'm trying to get a 3d silicone structure with 3d print mold with DLP. For 3d printing mold resin, I just used TPO-L as the photoinitiator, the monomer and release are CTFA and...
28 April 2021 269 3 View
Dear professor Cui: Had you writen a UEL for ligth activated polymer? Can you share it ? I'm very interested in it. Thanks a lot! Best wishes!
01 January 1970 8,558 1 View
Recently, I found an interesting project-paperai(https://github.com/neuml/paperai), which is an AI-powered search tool for medical/scientific papers. However, I want to automatically generate a...
01 January 1970 1,513 0 View