6 Questions 14 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Liliana Meza Gonzalez
I´m analyzing the mechanisms through which competition with a large economy like the Chinese for the US market would improve innovation efforts and other performance indicators in Mexican...
02 May 2018 6,770 5 View
Technological change seems to be increasing the demand for workers that perform non-rutinary tasks, but I would like to go further than this and see if the demand for workers with higher cognitive...
23 April 2018 7,664 2 View
If labor is the abundant factor in developing countries then trade should increase the labor demand, especially of less skilled workers, but it seems that exactly the opposite is happening: the...
11 April 2018 2,971 14 View
I am working on a Project about the wages of Guatemalan workers in Chiapas, Mexico and I find that Guatemalans earn higher wages than native workers, which is surprising to me.
05 April 2018 1,138 5 View
I believe that other countries that export to the US will benefit from the war, but it is not clear if the ítems imported from China will be supplied internally given the high tariffs that will be...
26 March 2018 3,351 7 View
I am exploring if the polarization of wages and employment observed in the US, the UK and other European countries due to task-biased technological change is also observed in countries like India,...
16 January 2018 5,816 1 View