26 Questions 15 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Laya Das
Wavelet based compression can be achieved by suppressing coefficients below a threshold (or preserving a predetermined number of significant coefficients). Compressed sensing on the other hand...
22 October 2018 9,410 5 View
Both agent-based modelling and cellular automata begin with individual agents or cells and model a large number of interacting agents leading to complex behaviour. However, what are the...
06 February 2017 358 10 View
For a controlled variable to drift away from a set point, energy has to be constantly fed, or removed from the variable. Considering a simple SISO system represented by a transfer function, GP(s)...
26 February 2016 8,444 5 View
Performing state estimation gives information about internal variables that are not measured, but are indicative of the health of a system. But does state estimation add any value to FDI? Is it...
26 February 2016 9,311 3 View
The Mahalanobis distance of data from itself is, by definition 1. However, with certain data sets, I get values like 1.3 and 1.5, which I am unable to understand. What would be a possible...
26 February 2016 4,411 1 View
What happens geometrically when one multiplies a matrix A by the inverse of a matrix B?
21 January 2015 8,963 4 View
I want to see the effect of model plant mismatch on state estimators. Are there any linear (and non-linear) systems that are considered benchmark for state estimation?
05 January 2015 1,670 1 View
Consider a time series (stationary or non-stationary). I fit a linear model of order 0, i.e., an intercept to the data. In the stationary case, this corresponds to the mean. Now, when I calculate...
11 November 2014 7,402 12 View
I have a scenario where I get negative R2 values for a linear fit. My algorithm relies on a goodness of fit measure to improve the model. But in the specific cases that I am working on, the R2...
30 October 2014 1,397 6 View
I have measurements from a system over a long period of time. During this time, the system has been in different states (for example, different controller tuning configurations). Now, looking at...
20 August 2014 789 7 View
What is the nominal value of current drawn from a single PEM fuel cell under normal, flooded and dried conditions?
10 February 2014 8,035 2 View
What would be the effect of a dc component on the fft of a signal with time varying frequency content?
10 February 2014 4,758 4 View
I need to simulate PEM fuel cell data. I need the values of the parameters (resistances and capacitances) of the Randles circuit for the cell. Where can I get them?
30 January 2014 8,394 3 View
How do I create a model for Zener diode in Simulink? Is it possible using a MATLAB file, or configuring an existing diode model, and if so, then how do I proceed?
22 January 2014 3,528 3 View
How to simulate fractional powers of s=jw in MATLAB/Simulink??
18 November 2013 3,010 6 View
The Randles' Circuit has a Warburg impedance to account for 1D unrestricted diffusion. How to simulate this element?
17 November 2013 4,462 5 View
The MHE attempts to approximate the full information situation with a window and a cost function. But why at all do we need full information? Why does not Markov property come into the picture in...
13 November 2013 1,392 2 View
How can one simulate the Warburg Element or the Constant Phase Element of the Randles' equivalent circuit of the PEM fuel cell in Simulink?
05 November 2013 5,561 3 View
Are there any conditions under which the EKF performs better than the EKF or do both have a comparable performance?
17 September 2013 6,962 3 View
What happens to the performance of UKF, or any KF based algorithm for that matter, if we change the step size of calculations (or of making observations)?
11 September 2013 4,763 3 View
What modifications are made to f and h to get fa and ha - the augmented process and measurement functions?
10 September 2013 8,012 3 View
What is the basic difference between a nonlinear kalman filter operation and a nonlinear dynamic data reconciliation algorithm? Is it only the ability to handle constraints, or is there some...
25 August 2013 2,344 1 View
Does it make sense to take the autocorrelation of a nonstationary signal or sequence? Or does it not matter in which case the interpretation will be affected (if at all)? Do we need to do some...
15 August 2013 7,157 3 View
In state space representation, with Kalman filtering, say I want to get the errors in states. I have errors in outputs. Can I get the errors in states?
30 July 2013 8,316 1 View
What happens if the output time series is a linear combination of the basis time series, and what if it is a nonlinear function of the basis time series? The time series may well be noises.
18 July 2013 6,533 1 View
If the system model is wrong, then the filter should try to track a systems output that does not have the A matrix fed to the filter.
13 May 2013 810 2 View