14 Questions 98 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kouider Bendine
Hey community, I have a fan blade that is spinning around z-axes with constant velocity as shown in the figure below. I want to simulate the spinning behavior using ansys apdl. someone has...
06 October 2022 3,629 2 View
Dear Comunity, I am working on a prediction model using ANN. The script is written with the help of Pytorch. However, the prediction isn't really performed as desired (see the attached image). I...
24 January 2022 9,892 1 View
Dear All, I am working on a project to improve the filtering efficiency of HVAC filer type ePM2.5. My main idea is to decrease the pressure drop caused by the filter by working on the filter...
21 March 2021 1,929 3 View
Dear all, iam working on a sort of optimisation that involving python and xfoil. and for that I am doing a python Code to run xfoil in Iteration mode. the coupling is running well and iam able to...
04 November 2020 4,337 2 View
Dear all, I am simulating a 3 point bending test of Composite using Hypermesh. the numerical model is attached. while simulating i just get the elastic domaine which is an good Agreement with...
30 July 2020 4,620 4 View
Hi all, Iam focusing on the autoclave process for composite part manufacturing. In aircraft industry this process needs inert gases which can be either nitrogen or carbon dioxide, hpwever,...
03 March 2020 5,998 1 View
Dear all i want to create a random vector containing the coordinate xi and yi as depicted in the following fig with one condition the couple (xi,yi) isn't repeatable in the vector NQ: its ok if...
31 December 2018 3,456 11 View
Dear All Iam performing a base excitation harmonic analysis under ansys , however i need to get the nodal amplitude for each analysis step so i used *get command but unfortunatly ansys gave me an...
14 December 2017 6,555 8 View
hi I did this code to resolve the vibration beam using FEM by newmark integration but it didn't work. Can anyone tell me whats wrong with my code or recommend a matlab code? Thank you. NEWMARK...
08 January 2015 6,782 6 View
DEAR ALLcould any one tel me whats wrong with this codeits an fgm beam with piezopatch FINISH/CLEAR/title, Controlled smart structure - K.Bendine/nopr ! Supresses extended interpreted data...
07 December 2014 8,917 4 View
Dear all Please I need a code of finite element plate with piezo patch using matlab.
27 November 2014 4,790 4 View
29 October 2013 2,540 20 View
Dear Researchers, As the question indicated I try to find the best FEM software that provides a good build in Topology Optimization module with respect to the following constraints : 1-...
01 January 1970 9,741 5 View
Dear all, I have worked out an APDL code (the code is attached) for a 3-point bending test analysis. I used SOLID186 to mesh the model and for the contact, I used CONTA175 and TARGE170 elements....
01 January 1970 6,446 14 View