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Questions related from Koen Van Turnhout
I'm in search for a good review, discussing the way the embodied interaction framework (As layed out by Dourish’ in "Where the action is"), has been used as a theory in HCI. Preferably based on an...
08 August 2017 5,832 0 View
Are there recent publications comparing theories in HCI, such as Nardi's comparison of activity theory and discog? Nardi, B. A. (1996). Studying context: A comparison of activity theory, situated...
01 January 2016 9,163 5 View
Proponents of pattern languages claim they are a way to bridge several communities (e.g. researchers and practitioners; or users, interaction designers and software engineers) and that they are...
10 October 2015 9,841 8 View
It seems almost a truism that social media can have a persuasive effect on its users. Do you know any studies (in HCI) that explicate how social media features afford persuasion? Or of...
09 September 2015 5,376 5 View
I am wondering to what extent knowledge represeantations in design such as persona's should be regarded as boundary objects (as defined by Star & Griesemer) and wetter there is academic work...
05 May 2015 2,666 6 View
With some regularity I read papers from HCI, trying to identify or define paradigms within the discipline. Invariably the introduction of the term paradigm is enfolded in cautionary remarks about...
03 March 2015 1,189 4 View
In a paper that we recently made available, we presented a mapping of theory functions such as explanation and prediction on a (generalized) design process. Thus identifying ‘uses’ of theories for...
01 January 1970 9,664 4 View