8 Questions 34 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kirill Fursov
Dear colleagues! Could you name some useful articles and / or books on the ideological and political development of the Pakistani armed forces, especially on the role of India in the process ? How...
26 January 2020 3,615 3 View
Dear colleagues! Could you recommend any books or articles on the role played by different Indian merchant and artisan castes, as well as ethnic and religious groups in the creation and...
26 October 2019 1,500 4 View
Dear colleagues! Would you kindly name books or maybe articles on the history of the cartography of the British Empire and / or spatial perceptions in it? How the British created maps of their...
07 March 2018 7,874 3 View
Dear colleagues! Do you happen to know if any latest books or articles have emerged on the colonial enterprises of the late Victorian era? I mean the British North Borneo Company, the Royal Niger...
13 February 2017 7,353 3 View
Dear colleagues! Could you tell me, please, if the world in reality had a rather vague idea of Nazi atrocities inside Germany (concentration camps etc.) BEFORE the World War II? Could one say that...
01 August 2016 2,007 29 View
Dear colleagues! Could you recommend any books or articles with precise data on the amount of capital accumulated by large merchants and bankers in Mughal and post-Mughal India and also Muscovy...
29 June 2016 9,634 3 View
Dear colleagues! Could you name any books on the establishment and evolution of the leading world museums of Oriental culture? I mean the Eastern collections of the British Museum and the Victoria...
22 June 2016 378 12 View
Dear colleagues! Can anyone recommend theoretical books or articles (in English, French, German, Dutch - no matter) on the nature of kingship and polity in Islamic "medieval" world (from the...
19 March 2016 7,671 12 View