10 Questions 12 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Khalid Ansari
The question also includes the assurance of safety in the self-driving cars and the expected cost of selling. And what kind of quantum model will be more suitable in terms of physical realization?
30 October 2020 5,567 3 View
Subtropical Broad-leaved Hill Forests such as Assam sub-tropical hill savannah woodland in India has a wide range of vegetation and is home to thousands of kinds of herbivores. What if a human has...
28 July 2020 2,561 7 View
Holography came up with a wide hope of advancement in information technology and the one I find it is highly applicable is data storage systems. Although a number of ideas have already presented...
20 May 2020 6,465 0 View
When a corona (+)ve patient wins the war against the virus and become healthy. What is the probability that the coronavirus will not be transferred to the next generation of that healthy patient...
07 April 2020 2,847 3 View
Scientists are trying to send entangled photon from space to ground over large distances using satellites and the satellites are named as quantum satellites. But for analysis with presently...
29 February 2020 9,729 0 View
Presently, there are 7 layers of OSI(Open Systems Interconnection) model in telecommunication:- 1. Physical layer 2. Data link layer 3. Network layer 4. Transport layer 5. Session layer 6....
20 February 2020 6,027 1 View
When i programmed a circuit in IBM Q Experience using QisKit Jupyter, i went through state-vector simulation with Bloch multi-vector representation to check different qubit's entanglement. So, i...
13 February 2020 3,081 2 View
If we consider hypothetically and philosophically, i.e., why we always think light is spreading out. May be dark is fading away as an entity everytime faster than the light. Why faster? Because we...
10 February 2020 1,577 8 View
D-Gravity is an hypothetical force at the level of quantum foam in a superposition of Gravitation and Dark Energy. Don't confuse D with dimension. It is Dark-Gravity.
28 January 2020 8,789 4 View
There is much research going on modification of transmon qubit for better coherence time and one of the experimental work "New material platform for superconducting transmon qubits with coherence...
01 January 1970 5,069 0 View