6 Questions 12 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kaushal Kishor Agnihotri
I am trying to perform the quantitative analysis of minerals in my samples. I have the XRD raw data of my samples. I started Rietveld refinement in X'pert Highscore and Match!* software but there...
23 April 2024 9,229 5 View
How can we perform a quantitative analysis of the XPS peaks using Origin software? Please help, How can we do a quantitative analysis of each peak? The peaks of C1s are attached below.
01 November 2023 5,309 4 View
Can anyone please help me with how I can get the quantitative (mol%) value of any sub-peaks that are part of the main peak, such as N, C, and O?
27 October 2023 6,288 6 View
While conducting the similarity check, I have already excluded the bibliography and quotes. However, references after sentences are still appearing in the similarity check. How can I exclude...
26 August 2023 7,224 0 View
Please provide me original literature or reference material for the given equation. Vitrinite Reflectance (Ro) % = -2.712 * log(V.M.) + 5.092 Where V.M. is on a dry ash-free basis.
28 April 2023 6,466 6 View
I am working in the field of Coal Geology and I need to calculate the molecular weight of Bituminous coal, please suggest a method for the same.
06 November 2022 1,316 5 View