8 Questions 8 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kanat Suleimenov
Dear Colleagues, could you please recommend the most popular and useful book in electronics for undergraduate teaching? Thanks!
26 June 2023 3,303 0 View
Dear Researchers, please recommend any tutorials, books or useful materials on Model Predictive Control. Thank you in advance..
18 November 2022 3,425 10 View
Dear Researchers, could you please suggest any useful and clear references about estimation of parameters of PMSM using measurement tools? I need to know experimental values of inductance,...
06 October 2021 1,151 6 View
Dear Researchers, can you briefly explain how to obtain the magentic flux linkage if the back-emf constant is known? Can you suggest any useful links on this topic? My motor under the test is...
29 September 2021 3,155 3 View
Dear Researchers, hope you are doing welll and your research works are going well, too. I am interested in application of advanced control methods to control electrical drive systems. So, I am...
15 May 2021 8,468 3 View
Dear Researchers, does anyone know already applied cascaded fuzzy PI-PI (i.e. Fuzzy PI speed controller + Fuzzy PI current controllers) control scheme to regulate speed of Permanent magnet...
05 May 2021 1,436 2 View
Dear Researchers, how can I generate a Hankel matrix based on the available data? For instance, I have the measured data as y = [0 1 3 5 7; 0 2 4 6 8]; I want to generate the Hankel matrix as Y =...
27 December 2020 5,709 3 View
Dear Researchers, our team is interested in collaboration to conduct research on advanced control design for permanent magnet synchronous machines. In our lab we have an experimental setup to...
01 January 1970 3,754 3 View