7 Questions 7 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kamlesh Ganesh Pawar
Activation of surface TLR will produce cascade of reaction which will translocate cytoplasmic NFkb into nucleus which will bind to DNA and induce mRNAs of cytokine. So if NFkb will be translocated...
13 February 2020 6,478 3 View
I am performing UC to isolate RNA from exosome secreted by macrophage (THP-1). I am curious how much RNA (amount in µg) can be obtained from (lets say 10 ml media from 80% confluent cells) cell...
05 March 2018 463 0 View
I would like to know if my endosomal TLRs (e.g. TLR7/8/9/3) are activated. Are there endosomal TLRs specific cytokine production in Macrophage? Can someone tell me which cytokines are produced...
23 October 2017 8,422 4 View
I am looking for protocol or methodology to obtain single cell suspension of M. bovis BCG. Normally they occur in clumps when I see them under microscope. I found some methods like Sonication,...
08 December 2015 5,273 3 View
I have more than 10 sets of non numerical data and want to find out common element present in all sets. How can I achieve this, or which software is helpful?
21 November 2013 7,012 6 View
I tried to suspend the bacterial pallet with PBS-glycerol solution but Mycobacterium bovis seems to be waxy in nature and does not mix with the solution. What is the best method to freeze them so...
31 July 2013 5,156 3 View
I am trying to find the list of cells that content endosomal TLRs (TLR3,7,8 and9). Are these TLRs expressed all over the body or there are very specific cells that expresses these TLRs? Any input...
01 January 1970 1,388 4 View