14 Questions 40 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Juan Gómez Gerique
Lipoproteins can be separated by these two techniques, one another by molecular size and density, but the fractions obtained are not identical and may not be equivalent análisis.
22 January 2015 4,717 5 View
Apart from the effects of dietary changes and variable therapeutic compliance,do you know if there are other sources of comorbidity (apart of diabetes, thyroid status and cholestasis) that may...
14 October 2014 6,483 4 View
The SCORE tables for the year 2011 only based on total cholesterol (and other risk factors) despite recognizing the huge impact of the concentrations of HDL in cardiovascular risk estimation....
05 October 2014 4,454 4 View
We can do something in the case of very high concentrations of Lp (a) to improve the prognosis of patients who have them.
18 September 2014 3,699 8 View
With the new recommendations on cardiovascular risk a high proportion of renal transplant patient s will be categorized as high cardiovascular risk (glomerular filtration rate frequently less than...
09 September 2014 8,178 5 View
Often are references to small dense LDL as highly atherogenic LDL, in what range of densities that LDL must be considered to be small and dense, and what its composition?
02 September 2014 5,101 6 View
Part of the HDL can be considered dysfunctional, and this malfunction makes it not really behave as antiatherogenic. Know you a relatively simple method that allows us to measure their functionality
30 July 2014 4,108 4 View
It is possible that the absorption of fat soluble vitamins have not affected? What happens with their plasmatic transport if the truncated form causes that plasma concentration of LDL is very low?
17 July 2014 4,583 2 View
Often we find markedly lipemic serum in which biochemical analyzes suffer from strong interference, including the concentration of the analytes in "free water". What could be the pretreatment in...
10 July 2014 4,236 9 View
Some recent studies have demonstrated a strong reduction of the cLDL with diverse molecules that have this activity. But does someone know about studies directed to the cardiovascular effect of...
03 July 2014 4,334 4 View
In some recent studies there seems to be a greater occurrence of diabetes in patients treated with high doses of statins. Do you think that it is an artifact or actually exists, and if so, why?
21 June 2014 3,348 26 View
A report by the FDA difference hsCRP and cPCR for their requirements. Do you think that this difference is real?
03 June 2014 9,645 6 View
Some studies have questioned the effectiveness of lipid-lowering agents in patients with renal replacement therapy, but it is not clear whether this "inefficiency" is the same for patients treated...
14 May 2014 7,274 9 View
I am interested in separating high molecular weight proteins (MW 300,000-1,000,000) by electrophoresis. Does anyone know of a reliable technique for this?
19 April 2014 7,402 7 View