10 Questions 21 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Jia Bainga Kangbai
I am revising a manuscript I submitted to a reputable journal with nice impact factor. I came to realise that two of the reviewers have opposing recommendations. What do you suggest I do or how do...
15 January 2020 6,452 19 View
In the Rothman's causal pie model, a causal component is a factor that acts concertedly with others to produce a sufficient cause (i.e disease) and that a causal component that is common to every...
13 December 2015 877 2 View
It is usually said (at least in epidemiological terms) that in a linear regression the intercept (bo) has no real biological significance when revealing a linear relationship between continuous...
10 December 2015 9,949 11 View
Should vaccine clinical trials be conducted when not much is known about an infection? Barely a month of being declared ebola-free by the WHO the West The African state of Liberia has recorded...
26 November 2015 8,524 11 View
Can someone tell me why OR is used instead of the RR for most vaccine trials? Definitely those trials are prospective cohorts design but browsing through publications including those of CDC on vac...
18 September 2015 7,260 8 View
Assume you have 4 treatment groups (A,B,C,D) with five subjects per group. Should one expect your Two- sample T-stats results and conclusion for A and B to be similar to the One Way ANOVA F-test...
13 January 2015 3,820 6 View
So you have the following stata logistic regression results: OR 1.28, 95% CI 0.5999 – 2.7341; and you are looking at the relationship between total alert message received for suspects cases...
07 January 2015 5,605 9 View
I am doing a study to determine whether syndromic data can be used to predict the case fatality rate in an epidemic. I have come to realized that determining the coefficient of correlation and...
31 December 2014 7,763 15 View
I was expected in the US in few days time to attend a scientific conference but my oh my I just found out yesterday from the conference organisers they have rescheduled to March 2019. They gave a...
01 January 1970 3,633 1 View
Publishing preprint of manuscripts is a growing trend now in academic writing and publication. Preprint gives a heads up and an insight into a particular issue that is worthy of investigation....
01 January 1970 2,106 3 View