8 Questions 29 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Jason Deegan
What advice do you think is important to know for young researchers? What mistake do they commonly make that can (& should) be avoided?
01 January 1970 3,774 64 View
It's not uncommon when discussing your field with other scholars and the wider general public to encounter misconceptions - but what is the one misconception you encounter most frequently?
01 January 1970 7,412 4 View
I'd be quite interested to find out academic's opinions on the Sokal Squared hoax, and specifically the implications it will have on scholarship within the areas affected (alongside shockwaves in...
01 January 1970 2,906 8 View
I've been involved in some research previously looking at social media, but I am interested in people's thoughts on how useful they've found it or believe it too be in impacting offline behaviour...
01 January 1970 2,645 10 View
I am interested to learn more about areas of policy which in your country, or globally don't get enough attention and are under-served in public discourse and receive little to no attention from...
01 January 1970 4,631 9 View
Across many fields there are common misconceptions - I'm curious to know what people find are the biggest misconceptions that the general public has about your field of study?
01 January 1970 785 7 View
Was shutting down nuclear power plants too soon, alongside the limitations of renewable energy (specifically wind & solar) storage and capacity issues, a factor in producing a situation where...
01 January 1970 411 4 View
I've read a good number of articles which reference the positives - I'm interested in the areas of teaching that are not so good?
01 January 1970 1,613 5 View