20 Questions 119 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from James Doran
I feel this question goes much deeper into social science than may at first appear. I hope for some thoughtful answers. James
31 December 2023 1,483 4 View
Myasthenia Gravis is a potentially fatal auto-immune disease. Its symptoms (progressive and then recovering muscle fatigue) and their cause are well understood. The adaptive immune system goes...
04 March 2021 6,888 9 View
In his important poem “Little Gidding”, T.S.Elliot makes the soul of a dead man say of his and by implication all our lives: Since our concern was speech, and speech impelled us To purify the...
09 March 2020 4,682 3 View
NOTE This topic/question is purely mathematical, but potentially with some interesting relevance to multi-agent systems in the AI sense. Suppose, for example, I want a network that once started...
08 March 2019 6,438 5 View
Consider, for example, possible deficiencies in the genetic specification of the human brain. Has anyone addressed this or an analogous question mathematically?
29 March 2018 7,040 12 View
My background is in AI (see profile here on RG). I suspect that (weak) AI systems have already been deployed for this type of application. Thank you for your consideration Jim Doran
25 December 2017 2,218 3 View
The question is, I believe, self-explanatory.
25 October 2017 3,060 31 View
In Homer’s Iliad there are two groups of characters – Gods and Humans. Each of these groups is sub-divided into competing factions. The Gods observe, manipulate and sometimes respond to Humans,...
23 September 2017 3,941 4 View
#### I am looking for mathematical and/or computational studies of the properties of an infinite hierarchy of cognitive agents, each agent a multi-agent system in itself, including any emergent...
04 June 2015 527 12 View
I am writing a computer program that implements an abstract social network of inter-communicating individuals (so a multiple agent system) and I want to be able to compute for each agent in the...
12 March 2015 1,160 34 View
Plato’s Cave: see Plato’s “The Republic” (514a to 520a) or just the Wikipedia entry Gilbert’s Barrier: “The human soul uses reason, sees many things, investigates many more; but, however well...
23 January 2015 8,807 20 View
For example, consider a multi-agent system M that, when run, displays a recurring pattern: an exponentially increasing number of inter-agent messages abruptly followed by an almost total...
18 January 2015 9,868 10 View
When modelling a particular (real-world) target system many agent-based models are potentially relevant. These can vary is many different ways. Rather than merely trying out a few of the more...
14 October 2014 2,319 7 View
Put differently, how does the reductionism explicit in agent-based modelling (noting that ABM is gaining popularity with social scientists) square with the seeming inclination of social...
10 October 2014 5,698 18 View
For example, I am particularly interested in the consequences of the UK's new global policy for India, China, and Australia. Could a well-designed agent-based computer model, using appropriate...
01 January 1970 2,415 5 View
On the recent 73rd anniversary of the Hiroshima nuclear attack I took part in a informal discussion targeted at exploring possible ways of preventing such terrible catastrophes in the future. I...
01 January 1970 4,433 4 View
Context ..... think computer models of empire building ......
01 January 1970 6,391 30 View
Are the intelligent and learning humanoid robot "Artificial Friends" , AFs, envisaged by Kazuo Ishiguro in his recent novel "Klara and the Sun" feasible and likely to be mass produced in reality?...
01 January 1970 8,800 4 View
The robots will clearly need to communicate and cooperate not necessarily under human direction. This suggests a move towards their developing shared beliefs possibly faulty or imperfect....
01 January 1970 9,797 1 View
Chomsky dismisses current "AI" as merely industrial scale plagiarism (or equivalent words). Is he right to be so dismissive? If he IS right a great deal of time and effort is being wasted!...
01 January 1970 3,793 6 View