5 Questions 7 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ivana Zheng
1) I knocked down a protein and collected cells 24 h and 72 h after transfection with Lipofectamine (to note, 5 h after transfection medium was replaced with medium with FBS). 2) KD efficiency...
09 December 2020 9,986 1 View
Some antibodies reveal nonspecific bands when a western blot is performed. Why is hard to find a good antibody for a protein? Antibodies produced using as the immunogen a synthetic peptide or a...
04 December 2020 425 3 View
I tried two antibodies and one show stain in the cytoplasm and the other one in the nucleus. Why? (Blue - dapi; red - mitochondria; green - protein of interest) And why is hard to find a good...
25 November 2020 6,783 7 View
I am trying to do CO-IP and I used two kits: Pierce™ Co-Immunoprecipitation Kit and Pierce™ Immunoprecipitation Kit. In both cases I don't have my target band (around 100 kDa) and I only have a 50...
20 October 2020 3,895 5 View
I'm working with NT2 cells and I use mitrotracker red (400 nM) to stain the mitochondria. I incubate it with cell medium for 30 min, fix with 4% PFA, permeabilize with PBST (0.2%-0.5% Triton...
12 August 2020 8,257 3 View