4 Questions 3 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Iqra Hamdani
I read a paper in which the photo-current characterization of an n type semiconductor is carried out in 0.5 M Sod. Sulphate and 0.1 M Sod. formate. However, capacitance - voltage characterization...
09 September 2017 3,066 3 View
I read some papers about fabrication of nanowires of metal oxides on ITO coated PET through electrodeposition. I am still confused. Can you please enlighten me about the same?
09 September 2016 360 5 View
As far as surface area is concerned, the more the area, better will be the efficiency. In other words, one should use large electrodes at shorter distances. Then why does most reach include...
06 June 2016 8,505 1 View
why is it that two electrodes are preferred to be parallel to each other for a better rate of hydrogen generation in a photo electrochemical cell?
03 March 2016 3,984 0 View