5 Questions 1 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Inga Köhler
Hi all, is there any information/paper if and possibly how the deltaO of the atmospheric oxygen has change in Earth's past? Thanks, Inga
30 August 2019 4,510 2 View
Dear all, I have Raman and vitrinite data and I would like to use the data to determine thermal overprint in my samples. When I calculate the T°C by Beyssacs equation. Temperatures are between...
25 November 2015 1,040 2 View
I am currently testing the inVia Raman (Renishaw). I would like to know if there is an option to deconvolute Raman spectra with Renishaws software Wire and where to find it in the menue. Also I...
04 May 2015 8,740 5 View
Dear community, I have a question regarding iron hydrolysis. I know from the oxidation and subsequent hydrolysis of manganese that sometimes dissolved oxygen is incorporated into the oxide. Are...
01 January 1970 2,969 0 View
Dear community, I have a question regarding the d13C of dissolved inorganic carbon. Would iron oxidation and the subsequent formation of hydroxides/oxides have an impact on the d13C of dissolved...
01 January 1970 4,774 0 View