9 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ibrahim Bounhas
Hi all. I am searching for a java open source tool which stores a lexicon (a dictionary or a huge list of words) in a search tree like compressed format. The tool shoudl also allow to store the...
21 April 2017 7,059 0 View
I am asking about a tool performing formal concept analysis (building lattices with several algoritms) and analysing formal contexts. I also need to project documents and queries on the generated...
31 May 2016 3,303 6 View
Hi all Is there any database or program which links arabic nouns to their derivatives (for example linking "اسخراج" to"استخرج"). I do not need a root extractor i.e. linking اسخراج to خرج
26 March 2016 8,436 4 View
What are the free or open source Arabic morphological analyzers, which we can download from Internet? Please provide the links.
02 June 2015 7,201 16 View
For an objective evaluation of conferences, we need an official third party whihc evaluates all the conferences, thus producing a credible classification (A, B and C or impact factor calculus).
23 February 2014 7,804 42 View
We try to identify the state-of-the art tasks which are actually investigated in Arabic IR related works.
23 February 2014 6,850 0 View
Many Arabic NLP tools have been developed ate the morphological and syntactic levels. Are these tools used in building arabic ontologies?
14 February 2014 6,312 4 View
I am actually working on Arabic morphological disambiguation. It is an unsupervised classification task and we find both in the training and the testing sets imprecise attributes. That is, a given...
18 September 2013 1,876 1 View
Except TALLIP, I do not know any journals which are specialized in Arabic NLP and Information Retrieval. Can anyone cite other journals?
01 January 1970 912 11 View