6 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Houssam Haddad
Hey guys, I am trying to find values for the resistivity or resistance for the seeberger sandstone (any other sandstone will do as an approximation). Is there literature available on the...
21 October 2015 6,186 5 View
Hey guys, I would like to kindly have your opinion on this matter. Here is a couple of polarization microscope snaps (scale is on the snaps). Does any of these qualify as a planar deformation...
19 October 2015 1,782 8 View
For the next step in my master thesis research, I would like to map the microfractures in my sample using ArcGIS. Available Data: A micrograph of the sample under REM (BSE Mode). The contrast was...
18 September 2015 1,275 2 View
Most of the literature agrees that most cloud to ground lightning is downward negative (~90%). Even most of lightning illustrations, depict the Earth as positive and lightning as negative Thus, it...
09 September 2015 8,967 3 View
I am supposed to estimate the viscosity of melt in a shock by lightning setting. The target rock was seeberger sandstone and the cathode that produced the shock is made out of Cu (Exact formula...
17 August 2015 3,894 2 View
Melt spherules in an impact setting are usually made from the impactor material, so I'm curious if they would form in fulgurites. The PT values necessary for their formation are well reached by...
03 August 2015 4,705 3 View