17 Questions 44 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hossein Abedi
Old wine in a new bottle is a phrase for expressing an existing concept or institution offered as though it were a new one. In my field of study (evolutionary/nature inspired algorithms) I bumped...
07 July 2016 2,033 11 View
I have a sequence of multivariate data that are generated by cauchy distribution with location parameter "delta" and scale parameter "gamma". Delta is the mode and median of the data points and...
12 December 2014 6,150 9 View
I have a data set of social network users represented by some features. I want to know what kind of similarity metric/measure I could use to compare similarity of 2 users. Thanks in advance.
11 November 2014 3,576 9 View
A field of research in Artificial Intelligence is the field of "Expert Systems"(ESes). An ES comprised of a knowledge base(KB) which encompasses the knowledge of various experts on some subjects...
11 November 2014 8,990 13 View
Some times ago a read a book on subject of evolutionary biology and one of the chapters of that book was dedicated to "Sexual Selection". In that chapter it was inferred that since parental...
11 November 2014 2,437 2 View
We humans in our lives are gathering information through our senses and we are also analyzing and converting this info into knowledge. The knowledge base that is created in our mind is the source...
09 September 2014 955 11 View
I was watching TV some time ago and noticed that I analyse the big world around me by the info I get from sources like TV and Internet. They tell you that there is war going on somewhere and who...
09 September 2014 1,169 8 View
Among the AI courses there are two important courses called "Machine Learning" and "Pattern Recognition". Apparently much of the stuff covered in ML is also found in PR. I want to know what are...
09 September 2014 611 34 View
I'd like to know if anyone has a link/article/book on relationship between Levy,Cauchy and Gaussian Distributions. In my research on an evolutionary algorithm I used these distributions for...
09 September 2014 282 4 View
About 150-400 years ago big scientific discoveries occurred that firstly encountered a great deal of suppressing from some like religious/political groups and organizations like the church in...
09 September 2014 7,787 9 View
I read some chapters of a book called "Black Swan"by "Nassim Taleb". In the book events in the world are categorized as mediocre/extreme. In mediocre stand you don't need to worry about an anomaly...
08 August 2014 9,662 0 View
In engineering/economic practices I encounter many applications that gaussian distribution is used to model the probability of events. I know that distributions like gaussian distribution have a...
08 August 2014 6,359 9 View
I participated in a contest a while ago and the goal was to determine the cause of an effect from a training set of causes and effects and finding the regularity between them and then using it to...
07 July 2014 3,142 5 View
Fuzzy decision trees have been used for classification problems and I want to know if there is a paper on FDTs for regression problems.
06 June 2014 5,258 4 View
I mean if you browse the issues of some famous journals on evolutionary computation such as IEEE Transaction on EC, you'll find that most of the papers are on subject of multi-criteria...
06 June 2014 2,388 7 View
I have a project on function approximation by fuzzy decision trees and I want to compare my results with some other methods improved by fuzzy logic.
06 June 2014 8,270 5 View
I read a book on evolutionary biology and I encountered the perception of Germ Plasm. I'd like to know if the theory of Germ Plasm is an important theory in evolutionary biology, and if it is why?
06 June 2014 1,507 3 View