15 Questions 25 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hitanshu Sachania
The manual for VASP recommends using ISTART = 1 for calculations wherein the cell shape/volume changes, but it recommends ISTART = 2 for the same scenario as well. A little clarification (+...
26 July 2018 4,346 6 View
The manual page about ISMEAR is a bit cursory. It's difficult to understand which method to use and when. Can you help me understand it with examples (like Au, CuO, etc.)?
26 July 2018 6,100 4 View
I'm using a genetic algorithm based global optimisation package, USPEX, to search stable structures of non-stoichiometric transition metal compounds. The code has a limitation - we aren't able to...
11 July 2018 7,406 12 View
I have a few embarrassingly basic questions about USPEX and job submission. Here goes... What are USPEX and USPEX.m. What is the difference between them? Where and how does the code make use of...
25 February 2018 7,272 2 View
The ratio is ideally ~1 : 1836. At what temperature does it fall to 1 : 1800?
26 September 2017 952 3 View
Shouldn't nanoparticles be invisible to the naked eye? There is some color the clear liquid retains. Is it because there are some nanoparticles in there imparting this color and the precipitate...
18 December 2015 6,210 7 View
Let's say we have a material AB. Is it possible to detect atomic clusters of A atoms experimentally? The size of clusters in question: 2 atoms (nearest neighbour pairs), 3 atoms (nn triangles), 4...
01 January 1970 2,561 3 View
Consider an FCC structure. Are all the 1st nearest neighbours (NN) always at a distance of lattice parameter/sqrt(2)? What about disordered random solid solutions?
01 January 1970 9,476 3 View
Is it alright if I run an ISIF = 3 and ISPIN = 2 calculation for 2 hours, after which the job terminates (limited computing resources), and then simply copy the CONTCAR to POSCAR and start it...
01 January 1970 5,407 7 View
I wish to do DFT calculations and use the frozen phonon approach via Phonopy. Should I pay attention to the magnetic moments? Sometimes, individual atoms in a crystal have different magnetic...
01 January 1970 9,486 7 View
I read in Ashcroft and Mermin's Solid State Physics how only those modes that have a frequency tending to 0 as k(or q) tends to 0 contribute to specific heat capacity. This would include the 3...
01 January 1970 6,620 2 View
Please find the review attached with this message. Eq 84 (along with preceding equations) establish a formula for vibrational entropy but I can't seem to confirm the consistency of units. Please...
01 January 1970 4,988 3 View
I understand I first need a properly converged system - check. Now, I need to calculate a self-consistent charge density (CHGCAR). Later I have to do a calculation with IBRION = -1, NSW =0, need...
01 January 1970 2,948 5 View
The paper, "Effective Stochastic Generation of SQS" is a bit vague about it. Please help me understand it.
01 January 1970 641 1 View
When using the DIM tag we give a size for the supercell. Why do we do that? Isn't the VASP (DFT) relaxed cell itself a supercell. Let's say I generate a large randomized special quasi-random...
01 January 1970 1,353 2 View