5 Questions 5 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hisham Alshaheen
I have binary matrix (16x16), I need the inverse matrix to use in Gaussian elimation. How can calculate the inverse binary matrix?
04 April 2016 647 5 View
WBSN consists from biosensor nodes, relay nodes and sink node.I need to calculate the total energy consumption that it is represented by the total transmission and reception energy of all wireless...
12 December 2015 600 0 View
in wireless sensor network, the sensor nodes deploy round and near the sink , its form the bottleneck zone. How can calculate the radius of the circle , it will help to compute the zone? What is...
10 October 2015 9,324 4 View
I need to write program in Matlab to compute energy consumption for WSN. Duty cycle is very important to reduce energy.How can represent the duty cycle in Matlab?
09 September 2015 3,434 2 View
There are different types for the distribution such as exponential, Lattice, Normal , uniform and power law. I have two parameters, the first parameter is number of patients ( some patients...
09 September 2015 9,310 3 View