3 Questions 1 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hayden Cartmill
For example: In an electrochemical cell utilising a platinum (Pt) anode, what is the difference and what kind of implications would be expected from using either Pt(100), Pt(110) or Pt(111)?
21 January 2021 657 5 View
When calculating the cell potential of an electrolysis cell, does a proton exchange membrane (PEM - such as a Sustainion membrane) influence the overall cell potential, and if so, how do you...
09 October 2020 7,485 1 View
Hi I'm trying to model the overall energy balance of an electrolysis cell which utilizes an IrO2 anode (for an OER) and an Ag nanoparticle cathode. To find the overall cell potential I must first...
07 October 2020 3,693 3 View