24 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hasan Bin Sohail
For modeling non-linear data, splines are quite a handy tool. However, it might get confusing to decide the most suitable spline type to use. Based on your data, what is the rule of thumb to...
13 December 2022 3,046 2 View
Suppose, we want to check association between A and Z using regression model. We add different covariates in model 1 let's say b, c, d, e. The regression shows significant association for A and Z...
21 July 2022 9,658 8 View
Hi, I have a data with a variable name "ID". Now this id is not unique for each row. For example one id value lets say "abc" is same for many rows (participants). How to check how many total...
16 April 2022 7,716 0 View
I have a dataset with date variable as character type in R. Date variable is showing some values like this for example 1836518400 1839196800. How should i convert it to normal date format? like...
24 January 2022 1,582 3 View
Risk Ratio: 0.999 (95% CI: 0.993, 1.005) 0.996(95% CI: 0.989, 1.004) 0.985(95% CI: 0.886, 1.095) 0.953(95% CI: 0.828, 1.097)...
11 November 2021 4,634 6 View
If we say that we have the data for daily mean temperature with a resolution of 1km x 1km. What is meant here by resolution "1km x 1km"? Thanks in advance
26 October 2021 9,371 3 View
I am using DLNM to find the association of temperature with cardiovascular diseases. I know we can use cbind(predslgam$allRRlow, predslgam$allRRhigh)["-1",] for calculating the risk ratio and...
09 April 2021 4,907 2 View
I am checking the association of cold with hospital admissions. I can easily check the association of mean daily temperature (as an exposure variable) on admissions as it'a linear. However, i want...
10 December 2020 8,650 2 View
Hi. I am new to Countour plots. I need help with the understanding of the following contour plot. If someone can explain, please.
11 November 2020 3,857 1 View
Hi everyone, I am conducting a study for association of cold season temperature with hospital admissions. I want that for a decreasing temperature and hospital admission if RR > 1 it means...
01 September 2020 6,622 9 View
I am using a distributed linear model (DLNM package in R) to study the effects of temperature lags on cardiovascular disease admissions. So i did as following: #Creating the cross basis: cb.temp...
31 August 2020 2,023 2 View
Hi everyone. I have a temperature variable in my data. I want to exclude the highest temperature days. For that, I have to look at the distribution of temperature, select the highest temperature...
07 May 2020 8,376 0 View
Hi, I am working on time-series data for the last 2 years. However, I have never used forecasting models. I want to enhance my statistical skills. As corona is all around us, I was thinking to...
30 March 2020 7,603 6 View
Linearity is pretty simple and obvious to guess. However, in some cases, the scenario gets totally different. IF you see the following attached graph, would you consider it linear association or...
16 January 2020 8,030 3 View
Hi, As the research field is really competitive, so what are the skills recommended for a Ph.D. student to learn while doing a Ph.D.? For example, I am doing a Ph.D. in environmental health...
14 January 2020 6,742 26 View
In time-series ecological study, do we take positive results (but statistically non-significant) serious enough to be generalized in the real population?
07 January 2020 4,382 9 View
I have got some negative nonsignificant RR values for my results. I am having confusion on how to explain them. Can someone share a publication that has reported the nonsignificant RR results?
13 November 2019 3,982 1 View
Hi, I am analyzing a time series data of daily mean temperature. I am trying to understand the concept of autocorrelation here. I have to run a regression model to find an association of daily...
05 November 2019 7,041 3 View
Hi, I am doing an analysis. My analysis showed that for example is "kidney admissions- all ages group" is significantly associated with daily temperature, however, in agewise groups, it does not...
01 November 2019 7,666 3 View
I am running a linear regression model and P-value after putting all the covariates together in the model gives significant value. Is there a possibility that an excess number of covariates in the...
01 October 2019 6,403 9 View
As Ph.D. ends, many researchers get confused in making a decision for their future careers. They are usually stuck in making the choice between two things: - Doing a Post-Doc OR - Find a...
01 January 1970 9,993 3 View
What kind of jobs a PhD in environmental epidemiology can do after Ph.D.? Data analysis or research associate etc etc? Please enlist some or share your experience?
01 January 1970 3,711 2 View
I was checking a paper , they reported Beta= 1.77, 95% CI = .96, 2.58 it as a significant association? Why is that so? Isn't that a non-significant association? Isn't there a rule if 0 comes in...
01 January 1970 8,067 7 View
If we have data from 2000-2010 for hospital admissions, would we call it as a pooled data? or pooled data is when we add different datasets together to make one dataset? Best. Hasan
01 January 1970 2,597 7 View