16 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hao Wang
How do you evaluate graph visualization results ?
05 May 2019 2,862 3 View
What is the list of the most heavily researched problems in computer graphics ?
05 May 2019 5,883 3 View
What are the hottest research topics in deep learning ?
05 May 2019 5,151 1 View
I'm experiencing this problem twice with conferences organized by the same university - I never received the reviews when they rejected my papers. In my communications with the conference...
03 March 2019 8,704 4 View
I keep being asked which university has the best computer graphics program in America ? I don't know. U has a quite good program, but I heard UNC ranks #1 from a U student back in my school...
03 March 2019 5,095 1 View
Is it possible to create a distributed framework similar to Hadoop on sensor networks ? For example, computation clients are pushed to each sensor.
03 March 2019 4,565 3 View
Suppose I have a series of paragraphs, how do I know when put together, these paragraphs form a coherent article?
02 February 2013 3,314 2 View
I've noticed in R we have SOM in package class and SOM in package kohonen, but these packages do not support sparse matrices.
01 January 2013 6,625 0 View
I know Multidimensional Scaling uses only a distance matrix, but Self-Organizing Map requires coordinates of points in the original space. What are some other dimensionality reduction techniques,...
01 January 2013 5,055 2 View
I need to do clustering on a dataset composed of both numerical and categorical data. What algorithms do you recommend ?
11 November 2012 6,904 16 View
I've read a couple of papers from the WWW conference on how to predict click-through rates of text ads. Does anyone know any good research on image ads?
11 November 2012 4,270 0 View
I'm fitting some multivariate observation sequences to a hidden markov model using R's RHmm pacakge. But I keep getting the following error "Error in BaumWelch(paramHMM, obs, paramAlgo) : Non...
10 October 2012 4,308 4 View
I usually use Latent Dirichlet Allocation to cluster texts. What do you use? Can someone give a comparison between different text clustering algorithms?
10 October 2012 4,116 1 View
I'm working for a social network company in China and quite often we need to build user models for our products. The goal is to find different user types and their characteristics. The approach we...
10 October 2012 3,505 0 View
Recently when I tried to visualize similarities between different groups in a social network, I discovered an interesting phenomenon which I couldn't explain. Can someone give me some insight on...
10 October 2012 1,845 20 View
cmdscale in R is pretty slow. It takes about 1.5 hours to do multidimensional scaling on 10000 points.
09 September 2012 2,156 7 View