17 Questions 12 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hakan Unal
IŞIK HIZI İVMELENMEYE BAĞLI OLARAK GEÇMİŞİN BİLGİSİNİ DAHİLİNDE BARINDIRIR. Metro’da gidiyordum. Bölmeli ışıkla aydınlatılmış alanları görmekteydim. Bu bölmeler metro yavaş gittiğinde bölüm bölüm...
12 February 2023 7,193 0 View
While I was shopping today, something came to mind while the mask was in my mouth.: When we couldn't get oxygen, if we tried to whistle, i.e. make a sound, there was no sound .It's actually your...
02 September 2022 7,308 0 View
Let's put forward a theory, let it be this: If atomos, that is, non-divisible atoms, that is, the basis of matter in our universe, exist, are non atomos, that is, divisible protons and electrons,...
24 June 2022 6,172 0 View
Let's examine existence in four types: Matter that exists with thought, thought that exists with matter, thought that exists with thought, and matter that exists with matter. Since matter that...
06 May 2022 4,146 3 View
Is there a way to avoid starlight to find planets? For this, let us first consider the earth and the sun. The world revolving around the sun star follows a method (rotation) just like the...
06 May 2022 5,345 4 View
While Newton's laws remain invariant according to Galielo transformations; Quantum theory differs from the theory of relativity So we must make the quantum theory invariant according to...
06 May 2022 3,731 0 View
Let's think about something like this: Can we get another speed and amount of light using the speed and amount of light? While I was taking attendance at my friend's student dormitory, I thought...
06 May 2022 1,439 1 View
Subatomic particles create the situation above matter in the universe, and so the quality of the object on matter is formed by differentiating from subatomic, so why is that so? Sub-item and...
06 May 2022 6,160 2 View
Hello, dear teacher. You said these things about Venus in one of your presentations: Venus is acidic; But we think there is life on Venus. You also showed an ultraviolet photo of Venus. There were...
06 May 2022 878 3 View
The luminosity of a star is a function of time. The planet passes in front of the star (the sun) and the stellar luminosity decreases slightly. CONDITIONS TO BE A PLANET: CONDITION TO BE WAVY...
06 May 2022 9,487 0 View
Why is the smell of pepper and bakelite similar? What is the similarity between pepper, a living plant, and bakelite, an inanimate object? While he was alive, when he lost his ability, did he...
06 May 2022 3,923 0 View
If you have an object and you drop it from a high altitude (that is, its velocity is zero, then it accelerates.) and I lower it one second later at zero speed, that object will accelerate at 9.80...
01 December 2021 7,784 15 View
Being is a function that can be found by using only one in all of the units of time (past, present and future). An object essentially has a dimensioning according to time. The size of an object is...
31 August 2021 6,271 3 View
MAGNETISMIC GRAVITY What is magnetism? Something magnetic has a + and - charge. If 2 + or - are pushed if + and - are pulled. But what is the main reason for this? Why does magnetism have a pull...
22 February 2021 9,826 3 View
E = m.c'2 is the uncertainty of whether the mass or light hinders movement in time. ? So relativity is actually an uncertainty. therefore: Δm. Δc'2 (E)> h / 2.So E / h / 2 2E / h> 1
05 January 2021 870 3 View
If the size of atoms, that is, the existence and existence of atoms, gives us the quantum theory, what is the relationship between the higgs boson that gives mass to matter and the fact that the...
31 December 2020 5,585 3 View
Why does light come from a combination of colors of all wavelengths? That means it consists of all frequencies. So how can light take the value of all colors in the electromagnetic spectrum? When...
01 January 1970 9,907 2 View