11 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Gunes-Helene Isitan
Hi! Anyone knows of a software that can generate band patterns from whole genomes and custom primers? I have seen it for digestion patterns, but could not find one for PCR. My primers have some...
13 July 2021 7,228 2 View
Hi! I have a very simple "novice-with-anaerobic-culture" question. I want to pre-pour my anaerobic plates to be used over two weeks. I usually keep aerobic pre-poured plates in the walk-in fridge,...
03 June 2019 8,954 1 View
Hi! I am looking for a recipe for a type of clear soil to see roots formation, but that would also resist/slightly resist fungal/bacterial contamination. It is a project for kids at a science...
30 March 2019 7,198 12 View
Hi! Does anyone have experience with expired plastic ware in the lab, especially pipette tips??? I know sterility might become an issue, but one can always autoclave. But I also know plastic...
11 September 2018 2,758 6 View
Hi! I've been looking for replacement spin columns for purifying PCR product from 16s bacterial DNA. I have found several "different" ones online: some for plasmid DNA, some for genomic DNA, some...
20 July 2018 1,226 4 View
Hi! I've been trying to isolate complete mtDNA plasmids from cheek cells (16.5kbp). Once the nuclear DNA is pelleted and the supernatant containing the mtDNA is transfered in a new tube, pelleted,...
26 May 2018 342 3 View
Hi! I have been trying to extract DNA from anaerobic bacteria (both gram positive and negative) using the lyzozyme/proteinase K/sds/chloroform/isopropanol protocol, but have repeatly failed to get...
27 April 2018 7,430 4 View
Hi! Ok, that may be a very basic question to ask this community, but I have searched and searched and searched some more, and can't seem to find the answer! What are the required adapters to...
22 April 2018 4,459 0 View
Hi! Anyone knows which I should use as a reducing agent for anaerobic microbiology media: L-cysteine HCL Anhydrous or Monohydrate? Or it won't make a difference? Every single recipe I found only...
09 April 2018 7,488 3 View
Hi! I have been asked (Health & Safety department) to provide a list of possible pathogens that could be grown from healthy human stools as a risk assessment for an upcoming research-creation...
18 January 2018 7,481 2 View
Hi, I am working on an interactive art installation that offers contact zones between human and non-human. In this specific case, my non-human are Paramecium Caudatum and Multimicronucleatum. I am...
28 March 2016 9,404 5 View