8 Questions 53 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from G.s. Vasantha Kumar
I want to measure the force/charge exerted on a body due to charged cloud from a distant place .Experts advise/answers are appreciated well in advance.
28 March 2018 5,553 2 View
If we have to lift or move an object we have to apply force like pneumatic, hydraulic, muscle power or so .In these cases the force is applied through some medium like air or fluid.Actually the...
27 November 2017 9,764 0 View
We hear multiple sound propagation across the sky when a normal lightning occur but we hear thud kind of sound when a lightning bolt occurs.
25 October 2017 3,164 8 View
Sound propagates in the form of waves according to theory.But the hitting sound appears like a concentrated energy focused on to a single point like a hammer hitting an object.
17 October 2017 3,562 4 View
As we have seen the lightening during early showers before the rainy season sets in.The formation of path of glow(plasma state) is irregular in shape.what factors does govern the creation of...
05 June 2017 5,152 3 View
During summer the atmosphere is dry and ionized.Due to this the clouds formed in the early monsoon is electrically active.possibility of lightning strikes is bright .Hence to alert people can we...
26 February 2016 2,596 4 View
coil wound alternators are used everywhere to Generate electric power in all kind generating stations.Though it is demonstrated by vande graf (static generator) it is is not popular in power...
29 January 2016 2,858 8 View
As we all experience this that radio waves loses its strength while transmitting through environment. That is why we have to Amplify the signal before and after processing it.Do you have any...
01 January 1970 4,716 4 View