4 Questions 3 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Giuseppe Ricci
During my PhD I studied mathematical methods of tensor factorization applied to recommender system. I want to publish the results achieved with the combination of Parafac factorization with my...
05 May 2015 8,746 0 View
I'm testing an algorithm for the final phase of my PhD thesis. This algorithm is written in Java (I run it with eclipse) and I need resources to launch it. Academic institutions don't have...
02 February 2014 6,557 1 View
My research project is focused on tensor factorization technique applied to context recommender systems. I have data of user, item, movie and context- for example, weather, user's company when...
11 November 2013 8,140 2 View
I need to perform Parafac decomposition in R software and I need to understand how I can implement it. Is there a package that performs Parafac and gives me the factor matrix?
10 October 2012 2,269 3 View