12 Questions 16 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Gerhard Du Preez
Are there soil pore water screening values (for the protection of soil ecosystems) available for major ions and trace elements? Screening values seem to be solely based on total concentrations....
27 October 2017 1,452 3 View
Hi there, I'm using PHREEQC to model the speciation of salts in historical water quality data. Can someone please provide a link to a guide/literature on interpreting the results? As well as info...
16 June 2016 5,085 6 View
Hi all I have two tasks: 1) Using historical water quality monitoring data to identify high and low flow periods for specific sites and, 2) Determining what influence the dilution effect might...
03 February 2016 1,998 3 View
I want plot the frequency of papers published related to specific keywords from google scholar or similar database. Can recommend a biobliometrics tool/software application?
10 December 2015 6,647 17 View
I'm looking at the potential transfer of contaminants (nutrients, salts, metals, etc.) via irrigation to agroecosystems. More specifically, I aim to study the threat posed by these contaminants on...
01 December 2015 6,173 3 View
Can someone please recommend a software analysis tool that use water quality parameters (EC, SAR, pH, salt concentrations, etc) to evaluate quality of irrigation water and potential effect on soil...
26 November 2015 8,935 3 View
I need to construct Piper diagrams using historical water quality data, but don't have carbonate/bicarbonate concentrations... Please advise if it's possible.
23 November 2015 5,970 15 View
As part of my PhD, we will look at the risk posed by using low quality irrigation water for irrigation. By using historical monitoring data, we hope to model this in the Crocodile (West) Marico...
12 August 2015 8,171 3 View
A local cattle farmer (South Africa) suspects that the cases constructed by bagworms cause a blockage (or something similar) in his livestock. Can anyone comment on this possibility? And maybe any...
03 February 2015 8,211 3 View
Is the negative Fst value effectively 0.0? And why would P value be so high? Compared to Fst tests between other populations where P < 0.05.
23 October 2014 9,103 9 View
We have mtDNA sequences (cyt b 600 bp) of fish and want to determine the 'connectivity' between populations using Arlequin, Network, DnaSP, Mega software packages. Also, need to identify unique...
21 October 2014 495 9 View
Hi everyone. As part of an exposure, I need to feed C. elegans cultures deactivated E. coli OP50. We've had little success in deactivating the OP50 using freeze-thaw cycles and heat inactivation....
01 January 1970 342 6 View