12 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Gabris Mahamid
Hello I read several papers on this topic However I'm still trying to find the simplest method Can you please share some papers with which you are familiar
12 December 2019 7,512 3 View
Hey all Technical papers or not Is there one search engine that embraces all the detailed procedures and guidlines for lab scale processes and synthesis methods
12 December 2019 8,331 5 View
As well known In almost all papers the experimental section is so short and not detailed for instance no clear weights setup and so on Where can we find expanded detailed narration of...
12 December 2019 6,112 3 View
Hello Is there a certain value in m2/g for a nanomaterial to be considered of high surface area and thus good adsorption performance ?
07 July 2019 8,930 7 View
Hello I'm only using scopus and google scholar for academic searches In your opinion what is a better search engine or library with better search and filtering options for more productive...
07 July 2019 9,591 5 View
I'm attempting to find few Dyes particularly textile ones that may be considered as priority or representatives of all classes and types and of the biggest concern and consumption rate For...
02 February 2019 265 2 View
we are talking about an organic chain made up mainly of carbon atoms
07 July 2018 1,495 6 View
Dear Scholars Please Is there any publication you passed by or perhaps a journal on such new materials design and development you recommend? Any tiny tip is appreciated
05 May 2018 8,544 4 View
Hey I'm trying to find a facile device or protocol for measuring fluoride ions in water or other complicated matrices Any suggestions or similar projects you can tag ? Thanks in advance
05 May 2018 6,309 5 View
The two terms are so close and I'm confused acids donate hydrogens but accept hydrogen bonds as I guess so do you know what elements cause such behavior and what determines such properties Thanks
05 May 2018 1,840 9 View
I came over some papers on batch and bulk removal of substances but the experimental section was same for both and none of the papers showed any small single difference between the two though used...
05 May 2018 8,771 8 View
Is it possible to reach the top secretive academic information whether industrial or military related through Internet Data base For instance Chips recipe, texture, rockets.....? Plus there is...
01 January 1970 3,565 1 View