8 Questions 72 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Fulvio Celsi
Hi all, I'm starting to use Daoy cells (medulloblastoma), and I would need to transfect them. In literature seems that there is no info on that...Has anyone tried that? thanks
24 October 2014 5,770 4 View
Hi all, I need to excise a sequence from a plasmid, but this sequence was cloned in a BglII site with BamHI sequence, destroying the BglII recognition sequence. Unfortunately, the new BamHI is...
24 March 2014 7,301 9 View
This may seem a naive question (and indeed it is); I'm in the process of using the dual luciferase (firefly and renilla) to quantitate the activity of my promoter of interest. My question is:...
04 July 2013 2,163 2 View
I'm in the process of analyzing the results from an Illumina Exome chip. I have only the final_report.txt file (and the HumanExome-12v1-1_A_Gene_Annotation.txt file for matching) and I do not...
29 March 2013 681 0 View
I'm quite new in the field, and I'm looking for a software or (better) an online platform to analyze intronic sequences in my gene-of-interest, to discover if there are potential miRNA inside the...
20 January 2013 7,843 3 View
I'm looking for a human microglial cell line, any suggestion? I've read about the HMO6 cell line, produced by Nagai et al., but I cannot find if they are commercially available or not.
16 January 2013 5,367 54 View
My problem is that in theory, I have to make the first dimension (native) run and the second dimension (SDS-page) run on the same day, and then transfer on membrane still on the same day. Bu also...
03 December 2012 2,721 4 View
I'm starting a new project and being new on the field of inflammation, I'd like to know if there are protocols for cultivating human monocyte in vitro and if it is possible to expand and cultivate...
18 October 2012 2,147 5 View