4 Questions 21 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Florian Kunz
Hi, I am using the sibship analysis software COLONY (most recent version) on about 150 individuals offspring, with some of them as potential fathers and mothers. COLONY provides a lot...
03 February 2021 7,144 2 View
Dear colleagues, I calculated an AMOVA using Arlequin (10.000 bt) on a microsatellite dataset (12 sats). There are 4 more or less differentiated subpopulations. The data is fine, I did vast...
17 March 2020 711 7 View
Hi community, I have a dataset of individuals of a species (several populations) genotyped at 9 microsatellites. I would like to ask if (and how) I could simulate that STR data forward in...
17 May 2019 7,301 3 View
Dear colleagues, I am investigating the population genetic structure of a forest-dwelling bird species using the STRUCTURE program on 9 STR loci. As my dataset is unbalanced (11 sampling sites,...
11 January 2018 6,699 3 View